Training Packages

  • 1 hour / Min 15 staff per session​

    This briefing session is appropriate for your whole workforce and will enable a better understanding of the LGBTQ+ community, some of the issues and legislation, leading to a deeper understanding and awareness of LGBTQ+ clients and colleagues.

    Key areas covered in the briefing include and understanding of:

    ▪ Key statistics, barriers and challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ sector

    ▪ Key definitions (L, G, B, T, Q, Q, I & A), pronouns, sexual and gender identity and fluidity

    ▪ Top tips in creating an LGBTQ+ inclusive workplace environment and personal actions to take forward

  • 3.5 hour session / Max 15 attendees per session

    This half day session is appropriate for leaders and managers of people to inform and educate about the LGBTQ+ sector and community, to open discussion around barriers and issues, and to encourage wider understanding and awareness to best support LGBTQ+ clients and colleagues.

    Key areas covered in the session include an understanding of:

    ▪ Key statistics, barriers and challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ sector

    ▪ Definitions and examples of various types of discrimination and prejudice (including stereotypes, institutional discrimination, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and hetrosexism)

    ▪ Key definitions (L, G, B, T, Q, Q, I & A)

    ▪ Internalised homophobia

    ▪ Intersectionality and unconscious bias as it relates to the LGBTQ+ community

    ▪ Top tips in creating an LGBTQ+ inclusive workplace environment and personal actions to take forward

    NB: We also offer a specific half day session exploring Unconscious Bias in greater detail, looking at personal unconscious bias, mechanisms and processes to increase awareness and to reduce unconscious bias in recruitment, partnership development and the workplace

  • 3 x 3 hours (or 1.5 days) / Max 15 attendees per session

    This 3 half day session programme provides in-depth learning and tailored support for organisation to build an LGBTQ+ inclusive environment within your organisation.

    Key areas covered in the session include:

    ▪ Creating a better understanding of key statistics, issues, barriers and challenges to the LGBTQ+ community

    ▪ Providing the opportunity for attendees to engage in facilitated discussion regarding the issues, barriers and challenges to support and enable their organisations’ LGBTQ+ workforce and client base

    ▪ Enabling attendees to become informed, educated and confident to become active advocates, ambassadors and champions of their LGBTQ+ workforce

    ▪ Supporting attendees to have the knowledge and confidence to actively support and enable positive change within their organisation that leads to them becoming more LGBTQ+ inclusive via the creation of practical steps and actions